Tag: Application development

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Learn about Ruby on Rails with this overview and the steps to install Ruby on Rails on AlmaLinux. You'll also learn how to develop and test a new Rails application using a web browser. Ruby on Rails is a popular, free, open-source development framework for building web applications in the Ruby programming language.

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Reading Time: 11 minutes

Understanding Microservices Architecture

A microservice architecture, or microservices, is a way of structuring software systems, so a single application is composed of a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled service units. Applications typically start with a monolithic architecture, becoming a collection of connected microservices as they develop.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Flutter is a free and open source UI framework that was released in 2017 and originally developed by Google. Flutter enables developers to create cross-platform applications using only one codebase. It is a fantastic tool for developers as it can drastically accelerate app development, reduce costs, and make cross-platform app updates easier.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is YAML?

YAML Ain’t Markup Language (or YAML™) is a human-friendly, easily readable data language widely used with or alongside almost all programming mediums. It is designed around a standard formatted layout useful for creating configuration files that readily integrate across multiple development environments. It is also valuable for managing concurrent data as it includes the ability to employ Unicode printable characters.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is Wildfly?

WildFly is a Java runtime application server and software management platform implemented in Java. It is primarily used to provision Java applications and services on a Java-based platform. It is currently developed by Red Hat as open-source software (apart from the community forums) and was better-known as JBoss AS previously. While the WildFly software remains open-source, paid support can be purchased from RedHat if needed. RedHat continues to implement a separate version of this software under the JBoss EAP name.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

Today we’re going to install Ruby on Rails using RVM (the Ruby Version Manager) onto a CentOS 8 server. Let's start by defining a few terms and definitions we will be using during the process.

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