Tag: Directories

Reading Time: 4 minutes

A symbolic link, sometimes called a symlink or soft link, is a file in Linux that points to other files or directories (folders) and represents their absolute or relative path. A symlink is similar to shortcuts in Windows and is useful when you need quick access to files or folders with long paths.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

The World Wide Web has been a staple of scientific information-sharing, communication, entertainment, and eCommerce since its inception in 1989 by a British scientist, Tim Berners-Lee. In 1989, scientists at CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research) needed a way to share information with other institutions regarding the evolving information associated with their fields.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Have you ever needed to copy files from your local computer over to your Liquid Web VPS server? You may have previously used File Transfer Protocol (FTP) applications for this task, but FTP is prone to being insecure and can be challenging to work with over the command line. What if there was a better way? In this tutorial, we’ll be covering two popular utilities in the Linux world to securely assist in file transfers, rsync and lsyncd. We’ll show you how to install and use both in this article. Let’s dig in!

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