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Author: Isaac Patiño

Isaac Patino is an invaluable asset to anyone seeking web hosting expertise. With over a decade of hosting experience, Isaac has utilized his vast technical skills to become an ambitious Product Manager at one of the most renowned web hosting companies. His keen prowess for forward-thinking innovation has earned him great respect from peers and colleagues alike, and he is undoubtedly the go-to resource for anything related to Next-Gen VPS hosting or other web hosting products.

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Small and enterprise companies with any amount of time in the digital world know firsthand the importance of having a reliable and secure online presence. Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) lean on virtual private servers (VPS), so much so that the VPS Hosting market projects to reach a multimillion-dollar valuation with Liquid Web leading the charge. With that in mind, Liquid Web reimagined its VPS platform for the future and beyond. Introducing Liquid Web’s Next-Gen VPS.

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