Your Design Online

PublishedCustomer Stories
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Your Design Online Gains Huge Efficiencies Building Apps and WordPress Sites with Liquid Web, Featuring cPanel

Your Design Online’s web host didn’t offer cPanel and wasted hours of time with each change request. Liquid Web delivered servers that were cPanel-optimized and came with reliable 24/7/365 support.

Your Design Online specializes in content management systems and building applications that help businesses or organizations. Many of their clients have WordPress sites, eCommerce, or HR applications, all of which are easily managed through cPanel, an interface that allows users to
manage their website by pointing and clicking as opposed to dealing with code. Your Design Online’s former web host didn’t offer cPanel and this was a big issue, as valuable hours were wasted by continually contacting the host for less than stellar support to make even the simplest of changes.

Any time President Rob Riggs wanted to add an account to his server, or needed to make any general change, he had to go through the painful process of contacting support, creating a ticket or calling in and then having to wait for answers. Even to do something simple like set up a WordPress site, one of the simplest things to do on a cPanel server, could take one to three hours for Your Design Online to get to the support ticket.

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