The Future of Web Hosting: Emerging Trends and Technologies

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Web hosting is a vital part of today’s digital world. It provides the infrastructure for websites and web applications to exist and function. Agencies, businesses, and eCommerce companies all use web hosting in one way or another to run their online business or build their online presence.

As technology evolves, so too must web hosting with new technologies and trends on which to stay updated. The emerging trends could further the web hosting space, providing efficient and scalable solutions. Staying in the know ensures you receive pertinent information about technology specific to your business.

Explore the future of web hosting by examining some of the web hosting industry trends and technologies shaping the space. Also, you discover how these web hosting elements are shaping the future.

Increased Focus on Security

Security in web hosting is as important as the business itself. Without it, companies would fold due to the lack of protection from vulnerabilities. As such, the future of web hosting starts with even more focus on security.

The Importance of Web Security

Web security is vital more than ever, with cyberattacks increasing and becoming increasingly common and more sophisticated. Without the appropriate security measures, businesses experience data loss, increased financial burden, and reputational damage. Therefore, web hosting providers and those managing websites must prioritize security, leveraging all necessary tools for a secure site.

Increased SSL and HTTPS Use

Since cyberattacks and data breaches aren’t slowing down, the safe assumption is that Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) usage won’t slow either. These tools have increased so much that web browsers display warnings when sites do not use HTTPS security. So, prioritizing SSL and HTTPS is paramount to user security and privacy.

New Security Technologies

As cybersecurity threats grow and evolve, so do the mitigation strategies of web professionals. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are deployable for detecting and responding to potential threats.

Behavior-based cyber threat detection is an anti-malware tool designed to identify malicious behavior or actions and help mitigate risk. Keeping security at the forefront, these and other technologies will emerge in the years ahead.

Cloud Hosting

What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting is a web hosting solution where websites and applications are hosted on a network of virtual servers interconnected and distributed across multiple physical servers. This feature makes scalability and flexibility possible since resources are easily added or removed from virtual machines (VMs) without physical hardware replacements. It is a clear choice when comparing cloud hosting vs dedicated servers if these are features you need.

Cloud hosting has seen increasing adoption and will continue to grow. Cloud hosting accomplishes this using cloud computing and virtualization, achieving greater resource allocation control in a redundant environment.

Advantages of Cloud Hosting vs Traditional Hosting

Here’s a closer look at the benefits of cloud hosting:


Traditional hosting methods involve physical dedicated servers with a set amount of resources, such as RAM, CPU cores, and storage. As a result, if the resources reach their limit, users experience slower loading times. In addition, upgrading the server requires replacing the physical hardware resulting in maintenance downtime.

Cloud hosting avoids these headaches because the VMs that host websites and applications are dynamically scalable. In most cloud environments, users can quickly scale VM resources on demand.


In traditional hosting models, users pay a set dollar amount for a set number of resources. This rigid structure means you pay the exact monthly or annual cost whether or not you use them. For some, this predictability in price is a plus, but you may pay more than you should for hosting.

Cloud hosting’s on-demand nature, specifically in multi-tenant cloud configurations, affords the flexibility of only paying for what you use. So while the cost fluctuates, users understand that they pay for what they need, no more and no less.


Single-server environments are usually the starting point for newcomers to web hosting. In these cases, if the server fails or goes down, so do the websites and applications hosted on them. Certainly, backup restorations offer protection from data loss, but they take time and don’t account for users who leave the site.

Cloud hosting environments replace down VMs with new ones nearly instantly. As a result, your visitors retain access to your site without significant outages interrupting their experience.

New Cloud Hosting Technologies

New cloud hosting technologies rising in popularity include serverless and edge computing. Serverless computing is a means of offering on-demand backend services. For example, users can use a serverless provider to build and deploy code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Edge computing is a newer computing model that refers to various networks and devices located at or near the user. Edge computing is about processing data closer to where it is generated, allowing for faster and larger processing rates and volumes, resulting in more actionable answers in real time.

These are two technologies to look for in web hosting’s near future.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

In addition to new security technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning are web hosting tools for increased site performance and personalized user experiences.

Using AI and ML in Web Hosting

AI and machine learning, for example, can monitor user behavior and preferences, allowing websites to provide content and recommendations personalized to specific users. There are already various AI-powered web hosting solutions available, and as technology advances, we should expect to see even more innovative applications of AI and ML in web hosting. And as mentioned, AI and machine learning may be used in real-time detection and response to possible security issues, allowing a more proactive approach to web security.

AI-Powered Platforms

Here’s a list of AI-powered web hosting services:

  • Wix ADI.
  • Jimdo (Dolphin).
  • Zyro (a subsidiary of Hostinger).
  • 10Web AI Builder.

Internet of Things (IoT)

What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices, including cars, appliances, and other household items, linked to the Internet and can communicate with each other. With the help of this network, new applications and services are made possible through the gathering and exchange of data between devices.

How IoT Impacts Web Hosting

IoT has the potential to substantially influence web hosting since it might increase the number of connected devices and the amount of data transferred. To meet the rising demand, web hosting providers may need to incorporate new technologies and infrastructure.

Web Hosting Platforms for IoT

  • Microsoft Azure IoT Suite.
  • Google Cloud’s IoT Platform.
  • IBM Watson IoT Platform.
  • AWS IoT Platform.
  • Cisco IoT Cloud Connect.

Blockchain Technology

What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology is an innovative way of recording and verifying transactions, decentralized and securely. The process involves a distributed ledger maintained across a network of computers, with each participant in the network having access to a copy of it. Transactions are verified and recorded through sophisticated algorithms, making the ledger tamper-proof and highly secure.

Blockchain Technology in Web Hosting

Blockchain technology can enhance security and transparency. One application of its technology is safeguarding against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks by decentralizing the web hosting infrastructure. This feature makes it harder for attackers to focus on a single point of failure. Additionally, blockchain technology helps establish secure and transparent payment systems for web hosting services.

Blockchain-Powered Web Hosting Platforms

  • Internxt
  • BlockPress


The future of web hosting brings exciting new technologies and advancements. With security and cloud hosting at the forefront and newer technologies such as AI, ML, IoT, and blockchain providing innovations that power solutions that make the hosting industry grow and thrive. Web hosting providers and website owners must stay updated with the latest industry developments to ensure they provide their users with the best possible experience.

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About the Author

Ronald Caldwell

Ron is a Technical Writer at Liquid Web working with the Marketing team. He has 9+ years of experience in Technology. He obtained an Associate of Science in Computer Science from Prairie State College in 2015. He is happily married to his high school sweetheart and lives in Michigan with her and their children.

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