Tag: Syntax

Reading Time: 10 minutes

AWK stands for “Aho Weinberg Kernighan” and are the last names of people who invented it: Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberg, and Brian Kernighan. The purpose of AWK is to search existing files to find lines that match certain patterns. It is a full scripting language, as well as a complete text manipulation toolkit. It is data-driven, meaning you define a set of actions to be performed on provided text, and it sends results to standard output.

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Reading Time: 12 minutes


Most Linux distributions ship with a command-line based text editor, usually Vi/Vim or Nano. While both are excellent choices, Vim has a steeper learning curve and can be confusing for beginners. Nano, on the other hand, will feel much more familiar to anyone who has used notepad or other simple text editors in a desktop or other graphical user interface. This is not to say that Nano is not as feature rich as Vim; it is simply more accessible.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this article, we are going to discuss what a function is, the ways a function can be used, and how it relates to programming. In essence, a function refers to how the values of one variable parameter relate to the outcome and amount of another parameter. 

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