Tag: Microsoft SQL

Reading Time: 5 minutes

MySQL and SQL Server are both popular database management systems (DBMSs). Both systems are powerful, but their differences may make one solution more suitable for your particular use case. MySQL and SQL Server support various data types, indexes, and data integrity constraints. This article takes a look at each database and their similarities and differences to help you determine which database is right for you.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes
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The SQLAlchemy Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper is an extensive set of utilities for working with Python and databases. This toolkit provides a package full of popular persistence patterns, designed for economical and robust database accessibility. SQLAlchemy allows a developer to use simple SQL statements (unlike other Object Relational Mapping tools) which provide a helpful method to connect database tables with user-defined Python classes. The SQLAlchemy Object Relational Mapping tool is primarily centered on using the SQL Expression language.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

When running MSSQL or Microsoft SQL Server, we need to determine whether it is optimized or will it need more resources to achieve better performance. This article reviews what behaviors to look for,  where to find them, and how to view signs of distress.

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